Nordelta Primary – Y6
Over the past few weeks, the Y6 students have been actively engaged in the UOI “How the world works.” During this period, they dedicated their time to conducting a thorough research on energy and its various forms of transmission, as well as exploring the concepts of renewable and non-renewable sources of energy.
As part of their summative assessment, the students were tasked with becoming agents of change. They enthusiastically decided to apply the knowledge and concepts they acquired in class to design sustainable containers suitable for extreme climate and landform conditions in six different countries. To accomplish this, they delved into researching the living conditions prevalent in these countries, enabling them to determine the specific requirements their containers should meet. Utilizing the Tinkercad app, they diligently created their container designs, showcasing their creativity and problem-solving abilities. The results of their efforts were truly extraordinary, exceeding expectations.
In light of their exceptional achievements, the students were eager to share their innovative creations with their parents. We, as educators, are immensely proud of the Y6 students for their dedication, hard work, and the remarkable outcomes they have produced. Their efforts not only evidenced deep understanding of the subject matter but also showcased their ability to apply their knowledge in real-world contexts. Congratulations, Y6, on a job well done!
En las últimas semanas, los alumnos de Y 6 han estado trabajando en la UOI “Cómo funciona el mundo”. Durante este período, realizaron una investigación exhaustiva sobre la energía y sus diversas formas de transmisión, así como también exploraron los conceptos de “energía renovable y no renovable”.
A partir de la propuesta de diseñar contenedores sostenibles adecuados para condiciones climáticas extremas y formas de terreno en seis países diferentes, los estudiantes demostraron agencia, haciendo elecciones y aplicando los conocimientos y conceptos adquiridos en clase. Para lograr esto, investigaron a fondo las condiciones de vida en dichos países, lo que les permitió determinar los requisitos específicos que sus contenedores debían cumplir. Utilizando la aplicación Tinkercad, crearon sus diseños de contenedores, mostrando su creatividad y habilidad para resolver problemas. Los resultados de sus esfuerzos fueron verdaderamente extraordinarios, superando las expectativas. Posteriormente, los estudiantes compartieron sus creaciones innovadoras con sus padres.
Estamos inmensamente orgullosos de nuestros alumnos de Y 6 por su dedicación, trabajo y los resultados que han obtenido, que evidencian una comprensión profunda de los temas tratados, y la capacidad para aplicar sus conocimientos en contextos del mundo real. ¡Felicitaciones, Y6, por un excelente trabajo!