A night at the Opera!

A night at the Opera!

How much does the Colón Theatre cost? Who owns it? These were some questions asked by Y5 students as they gazed at the imposing structure of our iconic theatre. Last Thursday, we had the opportunity to tour the theatre and it was an experience to be remembered. During the visit, we were told that in 2025, the theatre will be celebrating 117 years! We even had access to the boxes on the third floor, and upon entering the auditorium, we saw a rehearsal of the ballet Giselle. Lastly, the guides took us to the Golden Hall, where we admired the marvellous craftsmanship of a truly special place. At the end of the visit, it became very clear that, despite the theatre’s material and tangible value, it is impossible to assign a value to it, as it represents a key part of our city’s and country’s history. In the end, we are all responsible for taking care of the treasure we have in our city.

¿Cuánto sale el teatro Colón? ¿Quién es el dueño? Se preguntaban los alumnos de Y5 al ver la imponente estructura de nuestro emblemático Teatro. El jueves pasado, tuvimos la oportunidad de recorrer el teatro y fue una experiencia digna de ser recordada. Durante la visita, nos contaron que en el 2025, el teatro va a cumplir ¡117 años! Incluso, pudimos acceder a los palcos del 3er piso, y al ingresar a la sala, vimos un ensayo de la obra “Giselle”. Por último, los guías nos llevaron al Salón Dorado, donde pudimos observar las maravillosas terminaciones de un lugar sumamente especial. Al finalizar la visita, quedó muy claro, que a pesar del valor material y tangible, es imposible ponerle un valor al Teatro, ya que representa un lugar clave en la historia de nuestra ciudad y nuestro país. Al final, somos todos dueños y responsables de cuidar el tesoro que tenemos en nuestra ciudad.