100 Years of Northlands
On this day, April 1st, 2020, 100 years ago, NORTHLANDS opened its doors for the very first time to teach around 30 pupils under the supervision and the vision of two women, Miss Brightman and Miss Slater. Today, our Community celebrated NORTHLANDS’ Centenary with a special initiative. The whole community joined together in a Virtual Assembly to honour our history and our future. Students, Staff and Parents listened to the words from our Headmaster, Head Boys and Head Girls, Old Northlanders singing the School Hymn, a video with former pupils telling us about Miss Brightman and how the School worked many years ago, as well as students singing the Happy Birthday.
We got the opportunity to think back on where we’ve come from and look forward to where we are going, all together despite all the current circumstances that lead us to STAY AT HOME! Also, we got many surprises and beautiful messages from lots of NORTHLANDS friends. Take a look and ….Happy Birthday Dear Northlands!
Northlanders sing our School Song
A Message from Our Headmaster
100 Years of NORTHLANDS
A Message From Our Olivos Head Girl
A Message From Our Olivos Head Boy
A Message from Our Nordelta Head Girl and Head Boy
Mateo wishing Happy Birthday!
Charo y Mila