South American International Schools Forum and Workshop in Bogotá, Colombia

South American International Schools Forum and Workshop in Bogotá, Colombia

Last week Paula Riesenkamp was invited to attend the South American International Schools Forum and Workshop in Bogotá, Colombia, representing Northlands School. This event was organised by Times Higher Education.

Paula was appointed member of Times Higher Education Regional Advisory Board Latin America in May 2024. During this event she delivered four sessions that are part of the THE CAP, Times Higher Education Counsellor Accreditation Programme. She worked alongside University Counsellors from México, Peru and Colombia to prepare the professional development. She had the opportunity to interact and learn from her colleagues from the Advisory Board in Brazil too.

It was a very enlightening experience to connect with Career and University Guidance Counsellors from different countries in South America and share best practices. They even had the chance to meet and have one to one meetings with university representatives from across the world!

La semana pasada Paula Riesenkamp fue invitada al South American International Schools Forum and Workshop que se llevó a cabo en Bogotá, Colombia; representando al Colegio Northlands. Este evento fue organizado por Times Higher Education.

Paula fue nombrada miembro del Times Higher Education Regional Advisory Board en mayo del 2024. Durante el evento ella dio cuatro charlas que forman parte de THE CAP, Programa de Acreditación de Counsellors de Times Higher Education. Ella trabajó con Consejeros Universitarios de Méjico, Perú y Colombia para preparar la capacitación profesional. También tuvo la oportunidad de interactuar y aprender de sus colegas del Advisory Board de Brasil. 

El poder vincularse y compartir las mejores prácticas con orientadores vocacionales y consejeros universitarios de diferentes países de Sudamérica fue una experiencia muy enriquecedora ¡Además tuvieron la posibilidad de conocer y reunirse individualmente con representantes de universidades del resto del mundo!