Rancho de Popy
Nordelta Primary – Y5
From November 21 to 24, we went camping in Tandil, a spectacular experience filled with adventures and challenges. Hiking, suspension bridge, rappelling, ascents, canoeing, swimming pool, many birthdays, ziplining, indoor and outdoor climbing walls, lots of learning, and time to share and enjoy with friends.
Congratulations to everyone for achieving all the goals and daring to embark on so many adventures.
Del 21 al 24 de noviembre nos fuimos de camping a Tandil, una experiencia espectacular, llena de aventuras y desafíos.
Caminatas, puente colgante, rapel, ascensiones, canoas, pileta, muchos cumpleaños, tirolesa, paredes de escalada indoor y outdoor, muchos aprendizajes y tiempo para compartir y disfrutar con amigos.
Felicitaciones a todos por todo los objetivos cumplidos y animarse a tantas aventuras.