ESSARP Forum at Northlands
ESSARP Forum en Northlands
Olivos Secondary – Y8 to Y12
At Northlands, we celebrate the power of words—their ability to shape opinions, ignite change, and inspire minds.
Debating transcends the boundaries of the classroom, encouraging us to delve into the depths of various topics, challenge conventional wisdom, and broaden our perspectives.
The ESSARP Senior and Junior Forums, organised by the English Department at Northlands School, offered the students of schools invited, the opportunity to spend an afternoon sharing ideas and finding solutions.
It has been a pleasure to host these events once again and welcome our guests:
St. Hilda’s College
Saint Alban’s College
Barker College
Villa Devoto School
Florida Day School
St. Brendan’s College
Michael Ham Nordelta
St Andrew’s Scots School
Sworn College Pacheco
Michael Ham Vicente López
En Northlands, celebramos el poder de las palabras: su capacidad para dar forma a opiniones, generar cambios e inspirar mentes.
El debate trasciende los límites de la clase y nos anima a profundizar en varios temas, desafiar la sabiduría convencional y ampliar nuestras perspectivas.
El ESSARP Forum Junior y Senior, organizados por el Departamento de Inglés de Northlands, ofrecieron a los alumnos de los Colegios invitados, la oportunidad de pasar una tarde compartiendo ideas y encontrando soluciones.
Fue un placer haber sido nuevamente anfitrión de estos eventos y le damos la bienvenida a nuestros invitados:
St. Hilda’s College
Saint Alban’s College
Barker College
Villa Devoto School
Florida Day School
St. Brendan’s College
Michael Ham Nordelta
St Andrew’s Scots School
Sworn College Pacheco
Michael Ham Vicente López